Tianjin Medical University held the launching ceremony of the countdown to the 70th anniversary

  On June 16, 2020, the launching ceremony of the one-year countdown to the 70th anniversary of Tianjin Medical University (TMU) was held in Longde hall.All leaders, representatives of medical staff, alumni, enterprises and teachers and students attended the event.Vice president Wang Yaogang presided over the ceremony.


  The launching ceremony was opened in the elaborately-made university publicity film, which reviews the important historical moments since the establishment of the university in 1951, and shows the spirit of tenacious striving and pioneering spirit of TMU people, and also shows the university's mission worthy of history and the times.


  President Yan Hua read Tianjin Medical University's 70th Anniversary Announcement, announced that the 70th anniversary of the founding of Tianjin Medical University was fully launched, and officially extended an invitation to alumni and friends from all walks of life.With the theme of "inheriting tradition, displaying achievements, uniting strength and rebuilding brilliance" and taking "cultural heritage, academic connotation, solemnity and simplicity, and distinctive characteristics" as the main line, the university will hold a series of celebration activities, such as academic and cultural events, exchange and commemoration, to further enhance the cultural heritage, carry forward the spirit of TMU, and accelerate the development of "double first-class" in order to provide a strong spiritual force and driving force for the development of a high-level research type medical university.


  Students' representative read the original poem Glorious Name to convey sincere blessing to the university.The students express their heartfelt voice, learn from the noble spirit of the older generation of medical experts who are willing to contribute and devote themselves to medicine, keep down-to-earth and improve medical skills, so that their youth can bloom in the place where the Party and the people need most.

  Wu Qi, a 1985 graduate of TMU, a leading expert in respiratory and critical illness, head of the medical treatment expert group of Covid-19 pandemic in our city, gave a speech as a representative of the TMU alumni.He recalled the earnest instruction of Zhu Xianyi, the first president of TMU, at the entrance ceremony of that year, and felt deeply at the earth shaking development and change of the university ever since.He said that thanks to the cultivation and education of his alma mater, he was able to cope with every major public health emergency and was confident to protect the people's health.


  Nine years have passed since the brilliant 60th anniversary, and we look forward to the next year of the 70th anniversary ahead.Yao Zhi, Secretary of the Party Committee of TMU, President Yan Hua, representatives of alumni, Yao Xiaoqing, chairman of directors of Tianjin HongRi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Professor Yu Ying, national first-class discipline development chief scientist, Director Li Hui, leader of intensive care medical team of the General Hospital of the State Council epidemic prevention and control headquarters, and Zhang Jiayi, the model of National University Students'Self-Reliance, jointly launched the countdown to the university's anniversary.


  At the launching ceremony, the website of Tianjin Medical University's 70th anniversary was officially launched.

  Yao Zhi, Secretary of the Party Committee of TMU, pointed out in his speech that the 70th anniversary of the university is not only an important festival expected by TMU people, but also an important milestone in the development history of the university and even the history of medical education in Tianjin.First, we should review the history of the university.In 1951, the first president Zhu Xianyi founded Tianjin Medical College with the ambition of "cultivating medical talents for Tianjin and striving for the development of the first-class medical college".The college has accumulated profound cultural heritage and formed distinctive college running characteristics.Looking back on history, we can better answer "how to inherit, how to develop and how to innovate".Second, we should sum up our achievements.Over the years, the university has fully implemented the Party's education policy and thoroughly implemented the fundamental task of "cultivating morality and cultivating talents". Various undertakings have developed rapidly, and the overall strength and social reputation of the university have been significantly improved. It has played an important role in personnel training, scientific research, social services and other fields.In particular, in the face of major public health events, a good number of TMU people went out on an expedition without hesitation and shouldering their due social responsibilities.Third, we should look forward to the future.At the beginning of the establishment of the university, it adhered to the attitude of embracing all aspects of medical knowledge, attracted many people of lofty ideals to devote themselves to the cause of medical education, and has made TMU as great as it is.The university will take the 70th anniversary as an important opportunity to further deepen the concept of running the university, pool development forces, and write a new chapter in the development of TMU.At the same time, he expressed his heartfelt thanks to leaders at all levels, alumni and friends from all walks of life who have paid close attention to and supported the development of TMU for a long time.

  Representatives of teachers and students attending the meeting expressed that they should continue to inherit the fine tradition of TMU and work hand in hand with their alma mater to make greater contributions to building a "healthy China" and safeguarding the lives and health of the people!



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